Where can you find Vacation Members Reviews?
There are number of places where you can find Vacation Members reviews, including TripAdvisor, VacationMembers.com and various travel forums. Here, I have compiled a generally summary of the Vacation Members reviews I have found so far about the online and telesales travel agency.
Scam or Legit?
All the evidence points to the fact that VacationMembers.com and the telesales agents who call from 1(800) 345 7439 are not a scam. Vacation Members offer really cheap all inclusive vacation accommodation packages for destinations in Mexico such as Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas, with additional offers for Orlando, USA. Most people assume that Vacations Members is a scam because of the low prices quoted on the website.
Is Vacation Members as Cheap as the website quotes?
Yes. According to customer reviews, the deals shown on the Vacation Members website are the same prices you will be offered if you qualify for their discount. The reason you may be called directly by Vacation Members is to ensure that you meet all the criteria to be able to enjoy the low prices on all inclusive Mexico vacations. Vacation Members also claim to guarantee the lowest prices in comparison to any of the major hotels in Mexico and I read many Vacation Members reviews that said they got the cheapest deal and could not find anything cheaper online.
Accommodation and Hotels
Vacation Members reviews supported the website’s claim for quality accommodations and all inclusive provision. Most customer reviews write about the spacious rooms with sea views while others give top ratings for the food and location. What all Vacation Members reviews seem to be unanimous on is the quality of the destinations. Only one review I read was unhappy with the Mexico destination, and the reason for the discontent of the reviewer was because he missed his flight back home because he and his family arrived to the airport late.
Value and Quality
Another common feature mentioned in the Vacation Members reviews was the great value for money. There was no issues about the cost of the all inclusive vacation accommodation offered and most said that attending the timeshare was painless. More specifically relating to the presentation, quite a number of the Vacation Members reviews commented how, after the presentation, guests were not bothered again nor treated any differently for not buying.
via http://ift.tt/1wIph3G
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